The Regions of Metropolitan France
Click on the name of a region on the map, then choose your destination

How to register your Greet request ?
1. Select, from the list, the Region of France which concerns your stay
2. Select your destination in the chosen Region, from the cities/regions in our list. By clicking on the thumbnail of your destination, you open a descriptive sheet which allows you to know the Greeters offer of the destination.
3. On the destination sheet, two possibilities depending on the destination.
– L’OFFRE DE BALADE EST VISIBLE DIRECTEMENT– Faites votre choix de balade en cliquant sur une vignette “balade” et inscrivez-vous.
– L’OFFRE DE BALADE EST SUR UNE AUTRE SITE – Cliquez pour accéder à la page Greeters du site web de la destination. Make your choice for a walk and click on the registration button
Progress of your Greet request
Make your greet request with a Greeter well in advance, say 15 days minimum. This gives us time to meet your exact expectations and find an available Greeter. Our Greets are uniques, because it is you who will define with your Greeter and according to your wishes, their dates and exact routes. It is your own centers of interest, the passions of your Greeter, the weather that will determine your exact circuit.
A “France Greeters” Greet is, for us, the pretext for a meeting, a welcome, laughter and a ton of answers to your questions.
In big cities, you don’t usually choose the area of the ride. It is we who propose it to you according to your interests, date and language and our availability.
n the regions, you will generally choose your Greeter or your Greet theme on the destination Greeters web pages.
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Greeter Organizations in the Region
Click on a destination thumbnail. The form that opens tells you how to make a Greeters walk…
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Greeter Organizations in the Region
Click on a destination thumbnail. The form that opens tells you how to make a Greeters walk…
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Greeter Organizations in the Region
Click on a destination thumbnail. The form that opens tells you how to make a Greeters walk…
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Greeter Organizations in the Region
Click on a destination thumbnail. The form that opens tells you how to make a Greeters walk…
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Greeter Organizations in the Region
Click on a destination thumbnail. The form that opens tells you how to make a Greeters walk…
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Click on a destination thumbnail. The form that opens tells you how to make a Greeters walk…
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Click on a destination thumbnail. The form that opens tells you how to make a Greeters walk…
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Click on a destination thumbnail. The form that opens tells you how to make a Greeters walk…
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Click on a destination thumbnail. The form that opens tells you how to make a Greeters walk…
Click on the cross, or outside the window, to close this window >>>
Greeter Organizations in the Region
Click on a destination thumbnail. The form that opens tells you how to make a Greeters walk…
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Greeter Organizations in the Region
Click on a destination thumbnail. The form that opens tells you how to make a Greeters walk…
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Click on a destination thumbnail. The form that opens tells you how to make a Greeters walk…