Discover Rueil-Malmaison with a local
Just minutes from the capital, our city has a green environment and a pleasant living environment. We look forward to meeting you and sharing a friendly moment together. So why not come and stroll with us on the banks of the Seine or discover the small streets of our city center? The memories of Josephine and Napoleon are never far away!
Who are we?
We offer you, simply, to get into the more everyday aspect of our city, with its markets, its shopping mall, its bistros … . During this walk, residents of Rueil Malmaison, “greeters”, lovers of their city, will be happy to share with you the charm of unusual places and to tell you the big and small stories of their city. This Greet will take into account your tastes, your interests and your rhythm.
What’s more your greeter brings you: She or he will share with you his experiences and anecdotes; Will tell you where they are right. and of course will be happy to answer the questions that will allow you to better understand the city and its surroundings. Moments that we hope will remain unforgettable for you.
Sign up for a walk in Rueil-Malmaison
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This page is managed on the Greeters de France portal
Greeters de France Portal- Click on the logo.
Each of the “Greeter de France” destinations is led and managed by a local actor: Association, collective of residents or tourist entity (Tourist Offices, Departmental Tourism Committee). These actors are all members of the FFG (France Greeters Federation) and as such respect the same operating rules. They follow the values and ethics defined globally by IGA (International Greeter Association). The management and coordination of the France Greeters Federation ensures the pooling of our processes and tools, our global presence on the Web and social networks as well as the sharing of our communication programs.
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Around the anecdotes of the city
Caennais for a very long time, I love my city and make it discover to others. I propose you a stroll in the city center, rebuilt and old, around the history of the city, its anecdotes too
Strolling in the city centre
Find the small village of Rueil, which despite its proximity to Paris and the business center of La Défense has managed to retain its soul and its original charm. Our greeters will introduce you to the secret of the alleys and green parks that once hosted illustrious characters… It seems that you can even meet the imperial couple Napoleon and Josephine!

A few minutes from the hustle and bustle of the capital, do as the first impressionist painters did and discover the banks of the Seine where nature is always present. Along the towpath, this walk will immerse you in the time of the guinguettes and the Belle Epoque, in a green environment at the edge of the water where life is good.