Home > uncategorized Because a trip is an encounter, the ten inhabitants of Blois Chambord are always available to help you discover this treasure that is the Loire Valley. Let us not be afraid of words, this region is a real treasure and the kings of France...
Home > Greeters walks ” All in the West ! , from Paris of course, an adventure proposed by Paris Boulogne Greeters, the Boulonnaise association of Greeters. Hubert, Christine, Gilles, Chantal and the others know the loop that the Seine...
Home > uncategorized Versailles, Saint-Germain-en-Laye, two places steeped in history where kings have succeeded one another. Two places that notably knew the sumptuous times of Louis XIV and still preserve today the traces of this glorious past in the...
Home > uncategorized Today, we follow Jacqueline to her small village in Crest. She is one of the first greeters of MOND’ARVERNE at the launch of the project in 2017! This retired woman, who is not afraid of anecdotes, takes pleasure in showing...
Home > Greeters walks Philip is not English, he is Welsh for us to say it! Lover of France and great lover of Burgundy wines, he bought in 1997 a house of character in Monthelie, a small village classified as a Cluny site. In the heart of the vineyard between...
Home > Greeters Passions Toulon, the most beautiful harbour in Europe, is a city apart, and the greeters of Var-Provence are keen to make it discovered. Thiery, a retired sailor, is an ambassador much appreciated by visitors. Here is its story. > Thiery,...
Home » uncategorized In Paris we are about 370 Greeters and we welcome every year, on a walk, nearly 6000 visitors! Today, we introduce you to Lucie, one of our young volunteers. She has several passions in addition to a demanding job: photography and guiding...
Home » Greeters walks The Annecy Greeters network was launched in 2016 by Stéphane Favre.The idea of creating this project on the Greater Annecy appeared necessary to him following the discovery of some articles on the Greeters of France and a visit with the Geneva...