Home > Greeters Passions > The Landes by its hidden side (shh…)
Everyone knows the department of Landes for its magnificent beaches and large expanses of forest. But did you know that there are a multitude of things hidden behind these dunes and the apparent monotony of the large pine alignments? Fortunately, Landes Greeters are here to reveal the little secrets of this territory to you.

Have you ever heard of miraculous fountains, for example?

There are more than 200 of them in the Landes department alone. But often in well hidden places. And it is better to leave with “a knowledgeable person of the country” because the forest is large and full of legends and stories…

Until recently, when a person was not well, they would be sent to the fountain for treatment. It was still necessary to find the right fountain… Intestinal problems, rheumatism, difficulty walking for young children, infertility, vision problems… In popular tradition, Landes fountains can perform all kinds of miracles. For skin diseases, it was necessary to wet a cloth with water from the spring before putting it on the body. The laundry was then left hanging on the branches of the surrounding trees so as not to take the evil with you. These amazing ex-votos can still be found near some fountains nestled in the heart of the forest. Because here, myths have a hard skin.

Christmas, brings you, on foot or by bike, to the circuit of the Sources du Pays Morcenais, with a visit to the impressive fountain and chapel “Notre dame des douleurs” in Garrosse. But also in more confidential places such as the fountains of Ygos-Saint-Saturnin.

Marie Hélène is passionate about the site of Ousse Suzan with its famous chapel lost in the forest which has welcomed more than 20,000 people every year since the Middle Ages for the great fair of Saint Michael’s Day and which hides several healing fountains.

Guillemette à Losse accompanies you in the middle of the forest to the springs of Moncaut, which treat stomach aches or rheumatism, but also for those who like a walk in the forest.

If you want more, Sylvie, knows hidden places full of legends around Biscarrosse, which you will never find alone! Be careful not to lose it on the way….

Sacha H.

Sacha, in charge of the Greeters network at the Landes Departmental Tourism Committee. “I enjoy all these little nuggets that the inhabitants of the Landes offer me as Greeters. I would like to show our visitors that the Landes offer more than just the beach and the forest and I try to offer our visitors a variety of walks with a friendly welcome, as we do so well in the Landes.

Les Landes in pictures…

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