Home > Greeters walks > Greeters walks with Greeters
Since early July 2018, the Tourist Office has been offering a new tourist experience to holidaymakers to discover Cannes differently! Cannes Greeters is a new service offered to visitors, whose expectations have evolved. Beyond a visit, the concept offers a human encounter, the possibility to discover the city in its authenticity, accompanied by passionate people from Cannes. The article gives you an overview.


Who are the Greeters of Cannes?

To date, 9 Greeters have already joined the adventure: Chantal, Frédéric, Simone, René-Pierre, Olivier, Kim, Michèle, Nicole and Anne. So many different profiles to help you discover the destination! Other motivated candidates will soon be added to the team for even more varied meetings!
Cannes reveals itself in its authenticity to its visitors through the eyes of its inhabitants who are eager to share with them their favourites, good tips, passions and secrets. The idea is to reveal the identity of the city, “off the beaten track”, that only the inhabitants know. The human being is the key to a quality welcome in Cannes.

Authentic Cannes…

Greeters are residents who love their city and region. They invite you to discover unusual places, anecdotes, their favorite places… Share this experience with them at your side! Here are some suggestions gleaned at random from our greeters. Let yourself be surprised

Have you ever visited the California neighborhood? It is pleasant to discover villas, castles, manors, owned or once owned by celebrities. It is a discovery of the city of Cannes, at the time of the Belle Epoque when kings and queens offered sumptuous celebrations and aristocrats came for the mild winter climate. During the walk you will discover hidden treasures that only the locals know how to find.
Have you met the city’s mascots? The donkeys Riri, Fifi and Honorat live in the natural park of the Croix des Gardes and enjoy a breathtaking view over the whole city and the islands of Lérins. After this meeting, you can enjoy the mimosas in bloom in season and stroll along the sandstone forest roads in jogger or stroller mode.
The Pond Square, does that mean anything to you? At the time of the aperitif, the people of Cannes meet there to play petanque and share warm and friendly moments!
Have you ever spotted Marilyn Monroe or Charlie Chaplin on the painted walls of the cinema around the city streets?
These places are well located in Cannes! Are they unknown to you, do they arouse your curiosity? Discover them and many others, with passionate people from Cannes who are keen to share their love for their city!

Cinema walk

Discover Cannes and its link with cinema thanks to a Greeter, in love with the city, who unveils the many murals, inspired by the 7th art and spread throughout the city. A friendly way to explore the history of cinema in a playful way and to explore Cannes in all its aspects, from the Croisette to Le Suquet, via rue Meynadier and rue d’Antibes.
Let yourself be taken on the circuit of painted walls, a tribute to the stars of the big screen where Cannes proclaims loud and clear its love of cinema. Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton, Gérard Philippe, Alain Delon, Marilyne Monroe, L’envers du décor, Le 7e art, La leçon de piano or Pulp Fiction… This is an open-air gallery composed of new monumental frescos, scattered throughout the city.

Read also:

What are the Greeters?
Testimony of Simone Greeter from Cannes

Tourism Office . Cannes Greeters
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