Recent News
Greeters Team Up with “Les Oiseaux de Passage” for More Human Tourism
Recent newsThe Federation France Greeters has chosen to partner with the cooperative platform "Les Oiseaux de passage (trad: Birds of Passage) to make a concrete commitment to the development of a Tourism that places relationship and encounter at the heart of its...
Le Havre greeters (76) defy the health crisis
Our greeters' networks in France use, as here in Le Havre, online meetings to strengthen our links, exchange on our walks, prepare for the post-Covid...Containment and other health restrictions in 2020 have led to a drop in the number of walks carried out nationally....
Partnership with HomeExchange
"Like a local" Travellers, do you know the houses exchange? Are you already used to Meeting Greeters on your travels? Do you appreciate the authentic, friendly discovery that privileges meeting the locals? You will love the principle of the houses exchange! Swapping...
SMART Destinations : pourquoi intégrer la donnée des habitants dans la promotion touristique ?
Le projet soumis par France Greeters et la startup Gemmici a été présélectionné pour l’appel à candidature : Bâtissons ensemble le tourisme du monde d’après ! Solutions touristiques innovantes post épidémie Covid 19”. Il sera présenté à un jury constitué d’un...
Want to make sense of your next vacation?
Recent NewsWhat if the time we've just been through has made you want to spend your next vacation in a different way? To share more, to meet people, to go to the essential, ... We understand you so much ! It is in order to offer the travellers of tomorrow the best...
Valuing an intangible heritage
As summer comes to an end and the Heritage Days approach, the international greeter community is mobilizing to raise awareness on sustainable tourism concept.
International Greeter Day is actually more than just one day, it is the entire month surrounding the birthday (September 10) of Lynn Brooks, founder of the greeters movement in 1992.
In September, all greeter destinations in over 30 countries will be promoting their activities, both to welcome new visitors and new passionate volunteers.
France is the first greeters country, with nearly a hundred destinations divided into about sixty networks (associations, conurbations, tourist offices, departments…). While some will organize events on site, others will conduct promotional activities online or in the local press.
The 2020 edition a particular year
If the year 2020 is not conducive to community gatherings and events, it will have resulted in the realization of our most precious asset: human relationships.
Greeters advocate sustainable tourism that connects visitors and residents around an authentic encounter. To mark this special edition, the International Greeter Association has decided that one of its 6 core values will be the theme of this year’s event:
Indeed, if the touristic aspect of the walks proposed by its voluntary inhabitants are often put forward, the greeters community is above all the bearer of an intangible heritage, a local culture, a typical and representative know-how of their living places.
It is therefore more of a “heritage community” to be valued, in the same way as the built heritage or the natural environment that the greeters propose to make visitors discover.
” Learning for life ! “… with the inhabitants
The European Heritage Days have chosen to focus this year on transmission, particularly among young people. This is the case of many meetings between greeters and visitors passing through. These exchanges, sometimes trans-generational, sometimes between people of very different cultures and origins, are sought after by volunteers who wish to pass on their passion, memories and traditions.
Thus, several greeter destinations have decided to organize spontaneous walks (without reservations) or to hold a stand for heritage days.